Communication between Andrew, Jack and Yasiru below: /**JACK**/ - TRY HIGHLIGHTING A WORD ON THE HOME PAGE and see what happens (ask me if u want to find out how what happens does cos it's pretty easy to do) ;) - Please do not delete sitemap.xml or robots.txt as they are essential for search marketing - Please do not change website styling unless previously cleared with Jack as he is the most experienced one with CSS, and since he did the original styling and he came up with the site theme - Do not change images as their dimensions are used for the site and changing them will stuff up the background - Feel free to change bkg.jpg to a better picture (must be in black&white) and name must remain the same for referencing purposes, however the image size must be under 500KB - Feel free to add to the tutorial - Finding other people who will actively work for this site is encouraged (game testers, programmers, sponsors, etc.) - To Andrew, I didnt add your name to any of the two places our names are on the website because you haven't done anything yet. Although, when you bother reading this you will probably have helped or otherwise you wouldn't look here. So you can ask me to add your name now (or add it yourself if you found both places names are mentioned in the website) /**YASIRU**/ - DO NOT delete progcomp2.html as it is important for future competitions (YES THIS IS TOTALLY YASIRU) /**ANDREW**/ - I am retarded (YES ANDREW WROTE THIS)